Long-sleeved tricot with continuous zipper in Reinforced Carbon Underwear®. The reinforced Carbon Underwear® material provides the same breathability and warmth regulation as our underwear, but has a greater density to wear the weight of the protectors and ensure a firm fit. Depending on the need, the shoulder and elbow protectors can be taken from the inner pockets, which ensure a firm fit. Back armor with separate height-adjustable pocket, can be removed from the tricot. The belly band, which fixes the back armor, can also be removed. The ventilated breastplate (CE-tested) can be easily adjusted and removed thanks to the Velcro closure. The product is compatible with any type of neck support. The customer can choose between CE-tested protectors level 1 (D3O) or level 2 (SAS-TEC).
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MOTOR-INN, iti alimenteaza pasiunea!
Motor Inn a aparut in 2010 si s-a nascut din pasiunea pentru motociclism, intr-o perioada gri in care multi isi inchideau portile afacerilor. Pasiunea ne-a determinat sa mergem mai departe si sa facem fata tuturor dificultatilor. Drumul nu a fost unul usor, dar, uitandu-ne inapoi, si acum am fi luat aceleasi decizii pentru ca nu avem cum sa renuntam la visul nostru.
Calitatea produselor si a serviciilor sunt prioritatea noastra, de aceea toate produsele pe care le comercializam sunt de calitate superioara si nu vindem ceva ce noi n-am purta.